The club are holding the start of the season coaches evening. The meet up will take place on Thursday 31st of August at St Bernard’s hall at 7pm. The club know how important it is to keep coaches informed in all club matters. The club know exactly what we need to do to improve. We would like to hold more of these throughout the season, but with no home base it is difficult. We want to empower coaches and make sure they are not frustrated.
The reason why we are holding it on a Thursday Evening is because the season kicks off the following week. We have thought that with the season starting this would interfere with training as the season will be in full flow. We expect all coaches to be in attendance and in club wear.
We hope to finish up at around 9pm. The evening will entail the following:
Ahead Of The Game (Mental Health organised by Mark O Hara) the clubs psychologist & TAMHI
Collection of new equipment for the season ahead
Youth Development Restructure
Pitch Strategy and community hub progress
Club Development plan
Financial Report
Q & A